Bodysymptom-oriented selfhealing via the reality-based imagination

Scientific publications

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Together with Prof. Maurer the developer in the years 2006 and 2007 gave a one week seminar at the "Psychotherapy Weeks" at Lindau and in March 2012 a 3-hr seminar at the “Milton Erickson Annual Meeting of Clinical Hypnotherapists” at Bad Kissingen, Germany.

In order to provide scientific confirmation of the method, Prof. Maurer enabled a programme to be run at his clinic in the years 2008 and 2009 applying IRT to cases of phantom pains in limb amputees. Positive results were confirmed by corresponding changes in the brain structure of the patients as recorded by fMRI “functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging”.

This has resulted in a joint paper:
Meyer, P., et al, “Imaginative Resonance Training (IRT) achieves elimination of amputees’ phantom pain (PLP) coupled with a spontaneous …”, Psychiatry Research – Neuroimaging (2012), doi: 10.1016/j. psychresns.2011.09.012.
Published online 11-07-2012

Also at the instance of Prof. Maurer the developer was enabled to treat patients with an obscure disease "Body Integrity Identity Disorder" (BIID). This is a form of psychic compulsion in which otherwise healthy patients suffer from an overwhelming urge for the amputation of an intact limb.

Following a first international conference on BIID in 2009 at the Frankfurt University clinic a book with this title was published by the authors Stirn, Thiel, Oddo; Beltz Verlag, 2010 (ISBN 978-3-651-27761-7). On pages 158 to 164 the application of IRT is described among others by a sufferer. This patient was substantially freed from his compulsions by  two sessions guided by the developer with intervening and subsequent  practice of IRT on his own. On pages 158 to 164 the applications of IRT are described in general and with respect to BIID by a patient. He reports the gain of an ability to largely control his neurotic urge in everyday life following two guided sessions of IRT with intervening self-application.


Using IRT you graduate from the patient, the sufferer, to the user, the active researcher